Many ways..

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 | Label: | |

It's been a long time not hear my friend's news. First, I've been known if Didik is going to Singapore for his newest job at a Singapore company. He quit his job at the animation company Batam Island. 2nd, Yogi, my friend at LIA Mercu Buana (a long time ago), quit too from his job at Kelapa Gading. He now works as a freelance web designer.

They're fearless. Searching a new challenge. Fly away from his "flat" life. Yes, I know. It's not about their ability but also about choice.

And what about me? What is my choice? Still stuck with bloody flat life.. Ughhh.. I need more challenges. May I like them?.. Who knows ;)

*dear friends, I'm proud of you. U're inspiring me..

4 komentar:

  1. Anonymous says:

    Weh, yang penting kan sekarang dah bablas ke Moscow. Gut lak bro!!!

    Yen ono wektu insya Allah ketemuan kapan-kapan yo, tapi mbuh ning endi :D

  2. Me.! says:

    "Mbuh nang ndi"

    Hahaha... kata kata yang indah :D

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ralat pak, sekarang saya sudah bekerja jadi remote web designer untuk salah satu web development company di Aussie.

  4. Me.! says:

    Waaaaa... sep deh. BArusan baca ceritanya neh. Enak juga gaji negeri orang biaya hidup negeri sendiri :D

    Awas ginjal sakit. Perbanyak minum kalo duduk mulu.