Ini sebenernya sadis ya.. Tapi kok lucu :)

Monday, December 10, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

What is the most popular job for Malaysian in Indonesia?

Thursday, December 06, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

Only two...
1. Terorist
2. Drug smuggler

Microphone on Ubuntu Gutsy

Monday, November 26, 2007 | Label: | 7 komentar |

Still no clue how to make microphone work on Ubuntu Gutsy.

Specification :
- alsa-driver
- snd-hda-intel
- Ubuntu 7.10

To do list

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 | Label: | 6 komentar |

  1. Idupin lagi paspor yang udah mati = udah
  2. Apply visa = belum. Masih nunggu surat dari Uni ke kementrian luar negeri.
  3. Apply visa dimintain surat bebas HIV/AIDS = keknya punya gw dulu dimasukin ke application yang dibawa ibu Kermit deh. Masa bikin lagi?

*cek-cek dokumen lagi*

BNI ambil di ATM BCA. Mahal..!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007 | Label: | 3 komentar |


Gw ambil 1 jt, trus 1 jt lagi. Dan dua-duanya tiap kali ambil gw kepotong 25rb. Wakkkkssss..!!!!

Such a good idea

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

:) briliant...

Backpacker... Again... Damn!!!

Monday, October 01, 2007 | Label: | 5 komentar |

After I saw Disposable Words and Avgustin. It reminded me of when I was a backpacker. Now... I missed that time. Must I be a backpacker again? Traveler to wherever I need?

F**k me... Until now, I've been trapped in my job. All day long behind the desk at the big brown office. With no more than 3 days holiday :(

Must I leave my job?

Taken without permission from Disposable Words

Finished yet... Heroes Season 2 Episode 1

Thursday, September 27, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

Bwahahaha... I finished Heroes Season 2 Episode 1.

Can't wait for Episode 2. losted and then I can't enter to my Gnome

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

This afternoon, I tried to uninstall my alsa-driver. Then, I don't know why I suddenly uninstalled alsa-lib too. And a big effect is I can't enter my Gnome. Oh, goss...

From the error code, I was lost my What it's? After digging around, I found it in alsa-lib. It has made me panic. Damn! I don't remember how I lost my

Then, I recognized that I must recompile alsa-lib again,

and then a problem is solved. =) Huraayyy...

*I was panicked at that time

Poison of sin

Sunday, September 16, 2007 | Label: | 3 komentar |

I was put sin into my blood...

I was put sin into my soul...

It will be staying there.. poisoning me.

Another case with update kernel

Saturday, September 08, 2007 | Label: | 3 komentar |

When my Acerbox was upgrading its kernel. Suddenly my Ubuntu sound is dead. After digging around, the solution is I must recompile alsa when I upgrade the kernel.


Then after recompiling it, my Ubuntu sound is back. Fiuhhh...

How to scan share folder using Clamav

Friday, August 10, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

At our office, we have a problem. Various viruses were detected in our Maxtor storage server. Yes, it's a public file server. And Maxtor didn't have any antivirus tool. So, the only solution is to mount it using Samba and scan it with Clamav.

How to do it?

First, create a folder where it's your mount point.

mkdir [Mount point]

2nd, mount your storage server using Samba

mount -t smbfs //[Maxtor IP address]/[Shared folder] /mnt/[Mount point]/

3rd, put your mount point into fstab

//[MAxtor IP address]/[Shared folder] /mnt/[Mount point] smbfs defaults 0 0

4th, if you want it to work automatically, just write the automatization into crontab

crontab -e

Put this line below into it,

00 07 * * * clamscan --move=/root/karantina -r /mnt/
00 11 * * * clamscan --move=/root/karantina -r /mnt/
00 15 * * * clamscan --move=/root/karantina -r /mnt/
00 19 * * * clamscan --move=/root/karantina -r /mnt/

"karantina" is the folder name from which we move the infected file.
"--move=[Folder repository]" is the command to move the infected file into a specific folder.

Update :
Mbon, dah dibenerin :P

Upgrade Flock in Ubuntu

Thursday, August 09, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Upgrade Flock from version to version in Ubuntu, just like installing a brand new Flock browser. Download Flock from here, then.

sudo tar -C /opt -xzvf flock-

August 9, 2007, Earthquake in Jakarta

| Label: | 23 komentar |

I lived in Jakarta, and suddenly, at 12.04 AM, I felt an earthquake. Quite big. Coz all my family woke up from their sleep. Include me. It was scary, coz like bumpy and then shook the floor. I had never felt an earthquake like this in Jakarta before.

From detik, epicentrum in Indramayu. As detik said, earthquakes not only in Jakarta but also hit west java, central java, and east java.

update :
From the forecast, the magnitude is around 7,5.
My cousin Amir in Solo, Central Java, sent me a short message if his city was also hit by the earthquake.

snd-hda-intel on Acer Aspire 3680

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 | Label: | 3 komentar |

The sound default on Ubuntu Feisty is absolutely low quality. I want louder, more clear. So, I decided to compile an alsa by myself. Download using wget,



tar -xjf alsa-driver-1.0.14.tar.bz2

Came to inside alsa folder,

cd alsa-driver-1.0.14/




sudo make
sudo make install


sudo reboot

Log in back and edit alsa base configuration,

sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base

Put this code at the end of the file,

options snd-hda-config model=auto


sudo reboot

Log in back and open mplayer also edited their sound configuration. I've choosed alsa driver in here.

Enabled all,

Then close it, and restart mplayer. Open an example movie and hear the sound quality. For me, it is better than before.

How to hide navbar in Blogger

Monday, July 30, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Just put this code in your Blogger template,

/* ---( page defaults )--- */
/* === Hide the NavBar === */
.Navbar {
display: none;
/* === Hide the NavBar === */

Cek traffic server Debian

Monday, July 09, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Katanya si pake ntop. Tapi setelah browsing kok lebih kerenan nvstat yak..

Text mode.

#apt-get install nvstat

Trus jalanin

#nvstat -u -i eth0

Untuk ngeliat traffic


Lebih lengkapnya

#nvstat --help

Nge cron buat clamav

Thursday, July 05, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Setelah instalasi clamav, hal yang perlu dilakukan adalah menetapkan update virus definition clamav secara otomatis dan scan folder secara otomatis. Caranya?

crontab -e

Yang isinya (ditempatku),

# m h dom mon dow command
00 07 * * * freshclam
00 11 * * * freshclam
00 15 * * * freshclam
00 07 * * * clamscan -r /var/www
00 11 * * * clamscan -r /var/www
00 15 * * * clamscan -r /var/www
00 19 * * * clamscan -r /var/www
00 07 * * * clamscan -r /home
00 11 * * * clamscan -r /home
00 15 * * * clamscan -r /home
00 19 * * * clamscan -r /home

Update :

To remove infected files, we must add "--remove " option. Example,

00 19 * * * clamscan --remove -r /home

technorati tags:

Waw... whata busy time

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

A lot of jobs I must do. Still working on the Buka Buku family website. And much homework, Gramedia, Scriptlance, ISO stuff, digitalization, etc.

Puff whata busy day..

Huraiiii... I can post to blogger using Flock :D

Thursday, June 21, 2007 | Label: | 3 komentar |

Damn!! The solution is so simple. Before this, I couldn't post to bloggers using Flock. But then, Joe from here told us that we must use "" when we wanna post to a blogger. So, just put "" at behind your username.

Damn!! It's just so simple :D

Opss... what is Flock? Just point out your browser here.

technorati tags:

Ubuntu Feisty and WPA Personal on Linksys WAP54G

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 | Label: | 2 komentar |

I found a great tutorial here on how to connect Ubuntu Feisty to Linksys WAP54G using WPA Personal. What I must do is,

  1. Make sure you have wpasupplicant installed on your Ubuntu box.
  2. Create a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0, and save the file.
  3. sudo touch /etc/default/wpasupplicant
  4. Reboot your system.
Once you login back into your machine, left-click on your wireless icon. Choose Connect to Other Wireless Network, put your SSID on it, then choose Wireless Security on WPA Personal. In the last step, just put your password on it.

Feed by category in Blogger

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

When I asked people from to add my blog to their aggregator, they asked me how to feed by category on blogger for WordPress; they already know it. Coz, I want their aggregator to only feed my blog with the Linux category (in blogger, they call it Label). By little searching, then I found it here.

Example URL is like this :

Cube effect on Ubuntu totaly lost

Monday, June 18, 2007 | Label: | 6 komentar |

View weeks ago, after the routine update. My ubuntu box missed their ability to do the cube effect. At that time, it wasn't a big deal. Coz I have a lot of jobs where I must finish immediately. And everything still works without a cube effect.

But, several days after my job was done. I missed my cube effect. Coz al cheapo Acer laptop with a cube effect is cool, right? ;)
Forget the price; just see the power of Ubuntu with XGL/Compiz, did jelly and cube effect.

The main problem is my workspace suddenly became only one. The others have gone... Without other workspaces (usually, I've four workspaces), the cube effect didn't work. And this morning, I have a clue from the Ubuntu forum. What I must do is open "gconf-editor" and change the value of

to 4 and change the value of

to 1

After that, everything works now!! :D

*thanks Abhatt

Parallels Workstation 2.2 di Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty)

Thursday, May 03, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Instalasi gak ada masalah, tetapi timbul masalah ketika melakukan "parallels-config". Ternyata menurut disini. Gw harus merubah file "prlnet" yang terletak di "/usr/lib/parallels/drivers/drv_net/linux/"

Tetapi ada cara yang lebih gampang, yaitu mengganti file "prlnet" dengan yang disini.

Upsss... ada yang lupa. Proses kompilasi selalu merujuk ke "/bin/sh" padahal di Ubuntu seharusnya "/bin/bash", maka lakukan
sudo mv /bin/sh /bin/sh.bak
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
Baru kemudian lakukan,
sudo parallels-config

Menggabungkan file *.rar yang di split

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 | Label: | 15 komentar |

Mumet, bingung gimana caranya menggabungkan file *.rar yang di split. Walah ternyata cuman gini doang,

rar e [nama file].part[x].rar


My Aspire 3680

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 | Label: | 4 komentar |

Everything works fine except my fucking atheros...

Mother Fucker Atheros...!!!

After several tweaks, it suddenly works like a charm :D

Opensuse (Xubuntu juga), modem ADSL dan Speedy

| Label: | 4 komentar |

Entah kenapa ketika aku manggunakan Xubuntu maupun OpenSuse selalu merasa kesulitan pada saat koneksi ke internet lewat Speedy nya telkom. Gag tau masalahnya apakah di modemnya ataukah DNS Telkom yang gak mau resolve.

Sibuk sana-sini, ternyata aku harus mengedit file "/etc/dhclient.conf". Menambahkan dengan,

prepend domain-name-servers "IP DNS ISP anda";

Setelah itu, DNS pun sudah lancar me- resolve IP number. Dan broswing internet lancar secepat kilat.

Lalu masalah sebenarnya dimana ya?

Menyesuaikan font di Xwindow sesuai dengan resolusi dekstop

| Label: | 0 komentar |

Hal konyol yang saya temui pada Xwindow di linux adalah ukuran font yang terlalu besar. Bwehhh... menyebalkan. Setelah berputar-putar sejenak di belantara internet, ternyata solusi telah ditemukan. Kuncinya adalah mengubah ukuran DisplaySize pada xorg.conf, and how?

vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Monitor"
DisplaySize 338.66 211.66

Rumus DisplaySize didapat dari :
resolusi/96*25.6 resolusi/96*25.6

Kemudian restart mesin anda. Dan voilaaa... semuanya berubah menjadi sedikit lebih baik. Yang lebih bagus lagi adalah menginstalasi font TTF milik MS Windows.

I love Microsoft... mmmuaaaahhh....

Bloody fu$#$%# DNS stuff on Xubuntu Linux

Sunday, April 15, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Damn...!!! All day long can't browse. Who knows if the problem is DNS on Xubuntu takes too long to resolve. Dunno if it's a bug or not.

I got an answer from solo-technology

And as they describe, I must use openDNS to replace my factory DNS address (which I got from ISP). You can follow this if u use Xubuntu.

Peringatan agar CPU tidak overheat

Saturday, February 17, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Habis baca blognya pak Andika tentang "Mengamankan CPU dari Overheat". Waww... tulisan menarik untuk solusi server-server gw. Ntar tinggal digabungin ke proses pelaporannya. Mo pake email, sms, atau dikonekin ke speaker internal biar tereak kalo overheat.

Wish list : Belajar Oracle

| Label: | 0 komentar |

1. Oracle Database
2. Oracle Developer 2000 (form and report)
3. Oracle client

System maintenance

Friday, February 16, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Ada beberapa hal yang kita lupakan di dalam perawatan sistem komputer. Hal yang pertama kita ingat di dalam sistem operasi Microsoft Windows adalah antivirus. Tetapi sebenarnya ada hal yang lebih penting dari itu.

  1. Selalu update sistem operasi anda. Bila anda menggunakan produk Microsoft Windows, biasakan selalu memeriksa update yang terbaru untuk sistem operasi tersebut.
  2. Tanamkan kepada anda, bahwa melakukan update sistem operasi itu sangat penting. Hal yang sama yang saya lakukan bila saya memaintenance perangkat server dengan sistem operasi GNU Linux. Baik itu dengan "yum" di distribusi Redhat, maupun menggunakan "apt-get" pada distribusi berbasis Debian.
  3. Update aplikasi perangkat lunak anda. Sekecil apapun itu, celah ditangan orang jahat bisa sangat berakibat fatal. Virus, worm, tidak akan membiarkan celah keamanan terbuka terlalu lama tanpa dieksploitasi.
  4. Jujurlah pada anda. Bila menggunakan perangkat lunak komersial, berusahalah untuk membelinya dengan cara yang resmi. Perangkat lunak legal juga berarti memudahkan anda untuk menutup celah-celah keamanan yang setiap saat bisa terjadi.
Setelah sistem operasi Microsoft Windows anda tertambal dengan baik, barulah secara serius memikirkan firewall dan perangkat antivirus.

WEP di Ubuntu

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Hard core :

cc@ubuntu:~$ sudo iwconfig eth2 essid MyNet
cc@ubuntu:~$ sudo iwconfig eth2 key xxxxxxxxxx
cc@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig eth2 up
cc@ubuntu:~$ sudo dhclient3 eth2
Beginer :
install NetworkManager

Banyak mimpi

Sunday, January 28, 2007 | Label: | 0 komentar |

Banyak mimpiku yang belum tercapai.

Ini... itu...

Kapan yah?

Bisa bantu aku gak?

Keyboard dan Mouse baru.. Senangnya... :)

| Label: | 0 komentar |

Setetelah sekian lama (lebih dari 5 tahun) akhirnya gw ganti juga keyboard busuk ini. Untuk mouse perkiraan terakhir ganti sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu. Tentunya dulu itu diganti dengan yang murahan (bangga..!!). Alhamdulillah sudah tersadar ada rejeki dan niat, akhirnya terganti juga keyboard dan mouse di komputer dekstop ku dengan yang agak bagusan. Logitech gitu loh... secara dulu itu pelit banget untuk ganti komponen komputer desktop tua ini :D

Dengan alesyan, "Masih bisa dipakai kok (meski hurufnya dah luntur smuaaa...) kenapa musti ganti dan bli yang baru??"

Saat itu dengan perasaan bangga lagi, bahwa secara saya sudah mengoptimalkan barang lama. Hikss...

*Barang baru dan bagus memang enak*

Video of Saddam Hussein being executed

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 | | 0 komentar |

Video saat-saat terakhir Saddam Hussein. Kisah tragis akhir dari seorang Presiden.

Akhir dari Jenderal besar Soeharto??