Another case with update kernel

Saturday, September 08, 2007 | Label: | |

When my Acerbox was upgrading its kernel. Suddenly my Ubuntu sound is dead. After digging around, the solution is I must recompile alsa when I upgrade the kernel.


Then after recompiling it, my Ubuntu sound is back. Fiuhhh...

3 komentar:

  1. Ongo says:

    your sound ? or your acerbox's sound ?

    anyway by the way busway...

    nama gw lengkap amet..

    Nino juga dilengkapin donk :D

    Rapelino "Nino" Ferdiansyah

    biar apdol gichuuu

  2. masliliks says:

    hare gene pake linux? wong wis dikenalke karo mec koq isik nganggo pegellinux tho lee.. toleee


  3. Me.! says:

    @ ongo
    Hehehe.. salah lagi yak? Kalo ini kecepetan ngetik mbon. Ternyata artinya lain yak? :D "may sound" hehehe...

    Nino dah gw kumplitin tuh :P

    @ mas lilik
    Hehehe... mac membuatku tumpul. :D
    Ndak ada semangat ngoprek lagi je. Ntar si mac jadi mesin production ajah.